Thursday, June 23, 2011


almost a month and half i've been livin' with my grandma....

today, for the first time i cabot rumpot...

goshhh... ingt umh nnk nk jd hutan kot..

bnyk gile rumput... penoh 3 keta sorong...

aku pn ape lg, penat gile2 la... abs je, terus meggigil kaki..

betape lmenye ak x buat xtvt luar.. rse nk pitam je..

totally exausted..

and lately, ak suke wt eskerim sendiri..

easy to prepare, yummy to eat.. ^^

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

home sweet home.....

yuppp... the long awaited holiday is here....

yahhhh.. i'm totally exited rote now....

it's 4 month long holiday.....


i really donno what to do...

cuti lame2 cm ni, alamatnye bina bdn je la jawbnye...

nntikn perkembangan ak spnjg cuti ni!!!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


bole ke aku ckp aku stressed???
haha.. ak pun gelak ngan penoh sarkastik...

truly, i'm not a person who easily felt stressed over smthing...
shall i call it my talent??!!


it almost 2am and ak pon start la nak mengarot kan..

lme x mencoretkn rase ht kt cni..
nth la.. ble dh lme sngt blaja ni rse bosan plak..
just, maybe aku rase nk quit??
seriously mmg dh penat..


wake up dude!!!!
ni semua berbaloi... u will know it one day later(??!!)
this is hard but really worth it....


ayat dh mcm smbl belacan...
hentam je...
bukan slalu pon...


today skit.

[pana] wei aku nmpk MBLAQ!!! (dlm hujan lebat)
[aku] hmmm??? kt mne? x nmpk pon??(pusing area, carik)
[pana] masuk keta dulu... t aku bgitau...
(dlm keta)
[pana] tu ha... keta camry sbela.. tu la MBLAQ...
[aku] hmmmm??!! (still blur)
[pana] MBQ.. kn MBLAQ tu... (tunjuk kt no plate)
[aku] sheishhhh....

start la game carik kpop artist kt no plate keta...
CBN a.k.a CN Blue
WUN a.k.a wonder girls
DBG a.k.a dbsk
TAY a.k.a Taeyang

silly game...